Immerse Yourself for 6 Days in the Colombian Jungle, Connect to Your Primal Nature, Improve Your Movement Practice, and Gain Some Badass Skills for Life

Or reserve your spot now with a 6-month payment plan!(Scroll down for Veteran/First Responder/Colombian citizen scholarships, and our Bring a Friend/Group discount)


Based on our combined over a decade of practicing and coaching Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, MovNat/Natural Movement, Parkour, Animal Flow, and countless other methods and disciplines - we've designed a unique experience to help you connect to your primal nature, develop confidence through competence, tap into flow states, and grow alongside a badass tribe.

Listen to our Instagram Lives leading up to the FMF Retreat to learn about this innovative approach to human movement that combines the most practical form of self-defense, movement in Nature, and restorative movement flow.


What is FMF?
(20-min IG Live)

(50-min IG Live)

(54-min IG Live)

(47-min IG Live)

(58-min IG Live)

How to Tap Into Flow States



Brazilian Jiu Jitsu & MovNat Combatives will give you the most practical skills and mindsets you need to defend yourself and others. We'll build confidence through competence.


MovNat & Natural Movement Training will give you real world physical capability by taking universal, practical human movement skills, and transforming them from effective, to efficient, to adaptable.


Animal Flow & Natural Parkour will grow your strength, mobility, and creative expression via ground-based movement sequences and challenges that encourage flow states, body awareness, and improvisational capacities.



You will be challenged. You will grow.


Total Value: $3,375
Only $1484!

Local, Colombian chocolate wrapped in a banana leaf

Local, Colombian chocolate hand made and wrapped in a banana leaf. The best chocolate you'll ever have!



..AND the first 5 sign ups (all gone!) will receive a care package from Redmond Real Salt (valued at $30+)

Are you a Veteran/First Responder/Colombian citizen?
Or are you bringing a friend/organizing a group?
Contact us for scholarships or special pricing.


Nate Amado
Co-Founder, Lead Instructor

Nate Amado is a MovNat/Natural Movement Expert Trainer, Gracie Jiu Jitsu Instructor, Primal Health Coach, Animal-Based/Carnivore Coach, Wilderness Scout, and much more.

Beyond all the certifications, he's a student of life with a love for exploration and learning. The spark that ignited his journey was high school wrestling—he won his first match or two, and got his ass handed to him for the rest of the year—"It was great!"

He became hungry for more, physically and mentally. So he began studying and practicing many different disciplines: Boxing, MMA, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Yoga, Meditation, Capoeira, Art Du Déplacement/Parkour, and La Methode Naturelle to name a few. A path which led him to MovNat in 2013.

When he found MovNat, he knew, “This is it!” This is how he wanted to train for the rest of his life. It was the most complete system he'd found, and he knew it had the potential to change a lot of lives and the world around us.

 And when he discovered Gracie/Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in 2015, he had the same experiencethe fire was stoked. He dove all in, and has been studying/training all day, every day, since. These are his two true passions in life—both highly effective, super fun, and life-changing disciplines.

For the past decade, he's been taking it one bare foot at a time—integrating and coaching people with all the best methods that he's discovered or created, in-person and online, and leading workshops & retreats around the world—growing organically with a community of badass humans.

His mission is to help FMFers around the world kick ass, overcome obstacles, and be water through his new method called Fight Move Flow.

Nate is looking forward to meeting and moving with you!

Johnathon Lang
Co-Founder, Local Coordinator/Facilitator

Johnathon Lang is a War Veteran, Animal Flow Instructor, and MovNat Team Instructor who helps folks find their true nature.

An American by birth, Johnathon has also lived, coached, and facilitated for 10+ years in East Asia, the Middle East, and Latin-America.

In addition to moving better, his international students credit his Integral Approach with helping them become more physically energized, mentally focused, and emotionally adaptable.

Since becoming a MovNat Certified Trainer, he has led various Natural Movement-oriented wilderness experiences, including Holistic Fitness Camps, Ancestral Medicine Processes, and Organizational Leadership Programs.

He currently inhabits the jungles, rivers, and mountains of San Rafael, Colombia. Although he now rarely wears a suit or tie (or even shoes), he worked for 8+ years in the high-flying business metropolises of NYC and Shanghai. His previous life informs him today as he leads, relates, and facilitates modern folks on their Natural Movement Journey toward more ancestral ways of living.

On a fun day, he runs, climbs, jumps, vaults, and swims his way through the wilderness with friends and family before coming home to celebrate with good food, a warm camp fire, and lots of song and dance.

Johnathon looks forward to flowing with you!

Allison Frueh

Allison is an L3 MovNat trainer, L1 Animal Flow instructor, ACE-certified personal trainer, nature therapy guide, and play facilitator with five years of experience in the fitness industry.

In 2022, Allison discovered MovNat and quickly became captivated by its philosophy, which perfectly blended her passions for nature and fitness. Committed to her training, she earned both the MovNat combatives certification and the Level 3 certification in 2023.

Based in Austin, TX, Allison is a community leader and event organizer. As a nature therapy guide, she leads immersive sensory experiences designed to deepen others' connections with nature. She also hosts a weekly "Adult Recess" event, facilitating playful activities like tag, dodgeball, capture the flag, and other childhood favorites.

When not organizing and leading community events, you can often find Allison climbing trees. Her greatest passion and purpose in life is to inspire others to connect more deeply with nature and their bodies. She’s thrilled to meet you in the jungles of Colombia!

Chi Bang

Chi Bang is a seasoned fitness professional with over 25 years of experience in the fitness industry. Chi has dedicated his career to mastering and teaching the principles of natural movement, which emphasize functional fitness, adaptability, and practical skills for real-life situations.

Chi's journey in fitness began with a deep interest in movement efficiency and human biomechanics. This passion led him to specialize in MovNat, where he became a certified MovNat trainer and later a MovNat Team Instructor (TI) who certified aspiring MovNat Certified Trainers (MCTs). 

His extensive knowledge in this field allows him to design and implement training programs that enhance clients' mobility, strength, and overall physical capabilities through natural movements.

Beyond MovNat, Chi has a rich and diverse background in various disciplines, including various combative and martial arts, powerlifting, bodybuilding, athletic training, nutrition coaching, mobility, active aging, tai chi, etc. 

He seamlessly integrates these diverse skills into his training sessions, ensuring a holistic approach to fitness that caters to the unique needs of each client. By blending elements from these different areas, Chi delivers comprehensive and functional movement practices that are versatile and adaptable, promoting overall physical well-being and performance.


Ryan R

Software Developer, MovNat Level 2 Certified Trainer
McKees Rocks, PA

Martha B

Veteran, Gardener, Gracie Combatives Belt
Denver, CO

Aurélie R.

A.D.D. Academy Paris Coach
Paris, France

“I decided to join this retreat to try something different than I’d normally do, and something not so hard. I chose to work with you because I followed you on social networks and l knew that you were movement focused. I was at peace before starting the retreat, especially after receiving the schedule. 

I was happy to have small sessions, mixed with Balinese lifestyle, and vacation activities during the retreat. For sure my biggest challenge was the cold immersion, but I overcame it with your support and the support of other participants. 

After the retreat, I felt good! I stopped the cold immersion ;) but I kept my own morning routine (same as yours based on meditation, breathing, and movement). My advice to anyone wanting to take this retreat: Do it! It’s not too tough at all. Depending on your level, you can learn new skills and improve the ones you already have with Nate's attention to quality and details.“


Some of the eco huts for guests

La Zafra is a private Natural Reserve, it’s a conservation figure endorsed by the Colombian government.

Nested between two rivers and two towns, San Rafael and San Carlos, it is an example of how humans, when settling in a territory, can generate positive interactions, take care of the environment, take care of nature and enable life.

Nature is part of the richness of living here, and we want to invite you to come to know Zafra: It is a different way of relating to Nature and finding inspiration in Her.

The River - "The Real World"

The Maloka - "The Dojo"

The Eco Gym - "The Playground"


*Accommodation is available for those who want to arrive earlier and/or stay longer.
Contact us to book additional days at Zafra.*


Do I have to be fit to participate?

We've created this experience to be adaptable to people of all skill and fitness levels. From beginner to advanced, we will find the appropiate level of challenge for your personal growth.

Do I need to have experience in all 3 disciplines to get something out of this?

No. Having experience in any one discipline that we'll practice in this Retreat will be helpful, but not necessary. All you need is a willingness to learn and have fun.

Is this event suitable for everyone?

Yes, our approach to movement is universal. We realize there are biological differences between everyone, and are happy to adapt to your specific situation. With that being said, one parent/guardian must be present for children 10-17 years old (age maybe flexible depending on maturity).

We are guided by MovNat's "Universal" Principle: "Movement is for everyone. It belongs to every human being regardless of origin, gender, age, social class, or belief system."

What are the risks?

There will always be risk moving in Nature, challenging yourself, and going beyond your comfort zone. However, we will do everything possible to minimize or eliminate that risk, by providing a safe learning environment and progressions for you to grow. The main risk is you have too much fun and won't want to leave.

Do I have to stay for the whole event?

Not necessarily, you will gain a lot even if you miss a day or two. However we do request that you are present for the beginning of the Retreat.

If you need to shorten your stay, or if you wish to arrive earlier and/or stay longer - contact us for pricing and to arrange accomodations.

What's the refund policy?


In the event that the retreat gets postponed due to factors outside of our control, you will have the option to transfer your spot to the new dates or receive a full refund.

Since all the food is included, what if I have a dietary restriction?

We are able to accomodate all dietary restrictions (paleo, primal, vegetarian, vegan, plant-based, animal-based, gluten-free, just not zealots). Contact us for more info.

How do I get to the location?

We will provide group transportation from Medellin International Airport (MDE) on July 10th, and back on July 15th. Pickup and dropoff will be in the afternoon.

If you need to shorten your stay, or if you wish to arrive earlier and/or stay longer - contact us for pricing and to arrange accommodations.




“Being reconnected to an aggressively natural environment, moving in such primal and deliberate ways and bonding with those of similar mind, in me, resulted in an amplification of the signal. A quiet encouragement that I am not actually crazy. There I finally found a tribe again, fleeting as it was. But it was a small group for a short time with whom we shared and overcame adversity, without the stigma following me at every turn. Equally important, was disconnecting from the ever-increasing layers of complexity in society, the constant flow of information and stimulation, much of it irrelevant and non-predictive; reducing the noise. It was a profound experience, to glimpse peace in my mind. I would encourage any who suffer from constant internal battle with similarly challenging foes to consider such an experience for yourself. For your health, of mind, body and spirit.- James G.

Reserve your spot with a 6-month payment plan!

Or… "I’m not quite ready, can I email you my question?"
Yes you can, right here.


Natalia L.

Executive Coach, Life Strategist, Poet, Student of Yoga
Barranquilla, Colombia

There’s a life before and after our MovNat Reconnect Retreat for me. I believe that how we move and how we eat is how we live our lives, and this retreat really made that come alive! 

I had been practicing MovNat and other forms of “exercise” (CrossFit, Yoga) for a while but always in very urban environments, and being able to move and use what I knew (and all that I learned at the retreat, which was a lot!) out in nature was truly life-changing! I was so proud of all my cuts and bruises and what my body was able to “unlock” with the right cues and instruction. The whole days were a blast, the people were super supportive and fun, the food was delicious, and the place was stunning. If you’re thinking about signing up - think no more. ;)

Christian Q.

Fashion Designer
Shanghai, China

John is an excellent trainer and teacher. He trains people with his heart and passion. He is very good at taking complicated concepts and making them seem simple.

With his help I've improved my physical fitness, and learned many things, not only about my body, but also about life.

After working with John, I now approach my days with greater confidence than before, and this helps me personally and professionally.

Shelagh M.

20+ Year Yoga Teacher
Dallas, TX

“It became evident to me that I could be moving better. While I am a good yoga practitioner, I was also lacking functional strength and mobility (I always think what I would need to do in a zombie apocalypse, and the answer is not triangle pose?). Y’all. [This] captures a huge moment for me… My first time to be able to lift my feet off the ground in a horizontal hang!! This all has been made possible by working with Nathan Amado, who is a certified MovNat trainer, and is also taking Katy Bowman’s 52 week biomechanics course. He is helping me to be stronger in a real way. I’ve been crawling, lifting, balancing, squatting, hanging… I can’t wait to see what the next step is! This work is helping change my dialogue about what it means to be strong. This is all about readiness and resiliency.“

Chee H.

 InterContinental Hotel Group
Shanghai, China

I originally met Johnathon through a weekly strength and conditioning class that he conducted at Hanuma Muay Thai in Shanghai.

His classes were fun, rigorous, and progressive. I enjoyed them greatly, and I enjoyed the measurable results that began coming to me.

Later, I decided to work with Johnathon one on one for private coaching.

Because of the diet, mindset, and training methods that he introduced me to, I look better, I feel better, and my sports (Basketball and Muay Thai) performance improved week by week.

I give my recommendation for RECON JOHN (Johnathon) with zero reservations.

Paul F.

Men's Group Leader
Denver, CO

Such a great day of learning and movement! Nate's instruction is fun, professional, and very insightful. I am viscerally reminded how resilient, strong, and agile my body is when it moves how it is designed, and I feel so much more confident and aware in my body's movements. This is especially powerful for me as I am stepping back into being active after a long period of injury recovery. Thank you, Nate!

Jimmy H.

Dad, Marine, BJJ Blue Belt
Dallas, TX

“Attending this movement seminar revealed to me how I complicate my daily movements by adding unnecessary things to it. Me and my daughter, who was 6 years old at the time, attended the seminar and she had a blast.

The instruction was incredible, simple, and easy to follow. I’m limited in my range of motion in my left shoulder and Nate showed some stretching and some hanging that allows for me now to be able to move about without so much restriction. This class ROCKS! I highly recommend this for those who are looking to get back into fitness and those who want to become more familiar with their bodies!

“I have a million and one things to say that are AWESOME! You’ve really helped me build mobility and confidence to use my left shoulder from what I learned in that class.


Or reserve your spot now with a 6-month payment plan!

Are you a Veteran/First Responder/Colombian citizen?
Or are you bringing a friend/organizing a group?
Contact us for scholarships or special pricing.